
Vom Sofa aus

Vom Sofa aus

Stefanie Hofmann

Du steckst gerade in einem Motivationstief? Das Sofa ist momentan dein bester Freund und der Weg auf die Trainingsmatte oder ins Fitnessstudio scheint aktuell undenkbar? Wir schaffen Abhilfe und funktionieren...

Vom Sofa aus

Stefanie Hofmann

Du steckst gerade in einem Motivationstief? Das Sofa ist momentan dein bester Freund und der Weg auf die Trainingsmatte oder ins Fitnessstudio scheint aktuell undenkbar? Wir schaffen Abhilfe und funktionieren...

Lass uns hullern!

Let's hull!

Stefanie Hofmann

Now it's getting exciting. Have you already discovered the novelty in our store? We have developed our own hula hoop and are happy to share this news directly with you.

Let's hull!

Stefanie Hofmann

Now it's getting exciting. Have you already discovered the novelty in our store? We have developed our own hula hoop and are happy to share this news directly with you.

Healthy Food | In der Weihnachtsbäckerei

Healthy Food | In the Christmas bakery

Stefanie Hofmann

Christmas cookies and sports - is that possible? A resounding YES! There are many incredibly delicious alternatives to the classic cookie cutter butter cookies.There are an incredible number of articles...

Healthy Food | In the Christmas bakery

Stefanie Hofmann

Christmas cookies and sports - is that possible? A resounding YES! There are many incredibly delicious alternatives to the classic cookie cutter butter cookies.There are an incredible number of articles...

Vergleich unserer Fitnessbänder

Vergleich unserer Fitnessbänder

Stefanie Hofmann

Du überlegst, welches Band du für welche Übung verwenden sollst? Wir helfen dir dabei, dich zu entscheiden. Hier findest du übersichtlich gestaltet einige Unterschiede und die jeweilige Anwendung der Bänder....

Vergleich unserer Fitnessbänder

Stefanie Hofmann

Du überlegst, welches Band du für welche Übung verwenden sollst? Wir helfen dir dabei, dich zu entscheiden. Hier findest du übersichtlich gestaltet einige Unterschiede und die jeweilige Anwendung der Bänder....

Healthy Food | Fitness-Omelette und Sesameis

Healthy Food | Fitness omelet and sesame ice cream

Stefanie Hofmann

We don't have to come up with the most exciting recipes to add value. Even the simplest dishes are fun, filling and ideal in combination with your workout. Eggs are...

Healthy Food | Fitness omelet and sesame ice cream

Stefanie Hofmann

We don't have to come up with the most exciting recipes to add value. Even the simplest dishes are fun, filling and ideal in combination with your workout. Eggs are...

Healthy Food | Gemüse-Kartoffel-Curry

Healthy Food | Vegetable-potato curry

Stefanie Hofmann

Vegetable and Potato Curry | The title tells you what we want to present to you today. Another healthy, nutritious dish. Hardly any effort, but all the more flavor. After...

Healthy Food | Vegetable-potato curry

Stefanie Hofmann

Vegetable and Potato Curry | The title tells you what we want to present to you today. Another healthy, nutritious dish. Hardly any effort, but all the more flavor. After...