13 products

Welcome to NEOLYMP: Your partner for effective handball training

Are you looking for a reliable partner for your handball training? Welcome to NEOLYMP! We are your experts when it comes to high-quality training products for handball. With our many years of experience and our expertise, we will help you take your handball team to the next level.

The importance of effective handball training

Effective handball training is crucial for the success of a team. It's not just about mastering the basic techniques, but also about fitness, speed, coordination and tactical understanding. At NEOLYMP, we understand these requirements and offer you exactly the products and exercises your players need to reach their full potential.

NEOLYMP's treasure chest of training jewels

Browse through our wide range of products that are specifically tailored to the needs of handball players. From innovative training accessories to motivating fitness equipment - we have everything you need for effective training.

The importance of accessories in handball training: the key to success

Accessories are an indispensable part of effective handball training. They not only make training more varied and motivating, but also contribute significantly to improving player performance.

Variation and variety for optimal training stimuli

A wide range of training accessories makes it possible to make training varied. By regularly integrating new exercises and equipment, players are challenged to learn new movement patterns and improve their skills. This not only promotes physical fitness, but also mental freshness and motivation.

Targeted training stimuli for specific skills

Various accessories allow you to work specifically on certain skills. Whether it is through the use of resistance bands to strengthen muscles or through the use of jump ropes to increase endurance - each training device has its specific use and helps to optimize certain aspects of the player's performance.