NEOLYMP training camp 3.0

We are going into the third round of our training camp . Our goal is to increase your fitness, but we definitely still have a lot to do to achieve this. Today we are focusing more on your upper body. Complement our third session with fitness bands made of the material of your choice. Here we will show you some ways in which you can use your bands effectively. You can find the maximum selection of exercises with pull-up bands in our e-book.
What does “pull up” actually mean?
The German translation for this is "to pull yourself up". But where should you pull yourself up, you ask yourself, and what does this all have to do with a band?
For example, you pull yourself up using a pull-up bar. And our band makes it easier for you to pull yourself up into a pull-up (load reduction).
In our workout, however, we don't want to talk about pull-up bars, but rather about these incredibly versatile bands.
You know what's coming next. Right?
The warm-up, of course. The muscles should be warmed up, even if it is already 40° Celsius in the shade outside. Very important: hydrate yourself! Drink water constantly so that your body has enough energy for training.
First of all: Activate a stopwatch in your field of vision.
Arm circles: Stand upright on your mat with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out to either side of you and make small, circular movements. After 20 seconds, circle your arms and shoulders in the other direction for 20 seconds.
Standing crunches: Stand on your mat with your feet shoulder-width apart, touch your temples with your hands and stand upright. Now turn your upper body to the right side, simultaneously lift your right leg and touch your right knee with your left elbow. Then switch to the other side and touch your left knee with your right elbow. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Child Pose: Get into a four-legged position on your mat, pull your buttocks back onto your feet and place your forehead on the mat. Stretch your arms out in front of you, hands touching the floor. With each inhalation, stretch a little further.
For some of these exercises, you will need an anchor point that is at floor level or one that is above head height (such as the top of a door frame). Attach your band to your wall or door anchor accordingly.
no anchor point necessary
Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Lift the pull-up band in front of your body to shoulder height with your arms slightly outstretched. Pull both arms away from each other at the same time until you achieve a good tension. Hold the tension for two to three seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
Duration: 30 seconds
Break: 20 seconds
no anchor point necessary
Stretch the pull-up band around your back and support yourself with both hands shoulder-width apart. Hold your hands at chest height. Stretch your legs and stand on your tiptoes in a high plank. Keep your back straight. Slowly lower your body towards the floor. Make sure to do this slowly and in a controlled manner, without releasing the tension in your body. Hold this position and return to the starting position.
Duration: 40 seconds
Break: 30 seconds
Anchor point of the band: deep, close to the ground
Lie on your back on the mat and bend your legs. Guide your upper body through the pull-up band so that it rests against your chest.
Bend your upper body towards your knees so that your abdominal muscles are as tense as possible. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and then move back to the starting position. If you want more, don't put your upper body all the way down on the floor and keep your shoulder blades up.
Anchor point of the band: deep, close to the ground
Lie on your back on the mat and hold the pull-up band with one hand. Your arm is slightly bent. Make sure the band is well taut. Slowly pull the pull-up band towards the middle of your chest. Your arm remains bent and not fully extended. Hold this position for a moment and then return to the starting position. Then train your other arm.
Duration: 50 seconds
Break: 20 seconds
no anchor point necessary
Sit on the mat with your legs bent and your back straight. Place the pull-up band below your shoulder blades. Hold your hands crossed on your chest. Lean back until the pull-up band is well-tensioned. Make sure that your feet always remain on the ground.
Duration: 30 seconds
Break: 20 seconds
no anchor point necessary
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bent forward with your back straight. Put the pull-up band around your neck and feet. Stand up slowly and with your back stretched out. Make sure that your back is straight and that you have a firm stance.
Duration: 30 seconds
Break: 20 seconds
Anchor point of the band: above head height
Sit on the mat with your legs slightly bent and your back straight. Hold the pull-up band with both hands, with your elbows pointing outwards. Pull the pull-up band down behind your head to neck height. Your elbows point outwards. Make sure your back is straight.
Duration: 40 seconds
Break: 20 seconds
And if you still haven't had enough, you can try the last exercise in this circuit. But this is purely optional for those who still have energy.
Anchor point of the band: above head height
Put the pull-up band around your ankles and get into the push-up position. Your back is straight and your hands are flat on the floor.
Pull both legs forward towards your chest at the same time. Hold this position and slowly return to the starting position.
Duration: 30 seconds