How do I set up a home gym?

That's a damn good question. Where should you start, what should you pay attention to and how much does the fun cost? We'll try to answer all of that for you here.
What is the actual benefit of a home gym?
Here you will find the most basic points.
- Time saving: There is no need to travel to and from the gym, and there is no need to look for a parking space.
- Time independent: You don't have to stick to gym opening times, you can train exactly when you want.
- Profitable: If you calculate the monthly costs for a gym versus the one-time purchase costs for a home gym, you will have offset your expenses after about two years and from then on you can train practically for free.
In any case, we recommend that you start with a professional sports floor. The basis: a robust floor that is gentle on your own floor and on the nerves of your neighbors. ;) It is usually non-slip and dampens the sound on impact. However, that does not mean that your neighbors will never hear anything about your training. For example, if you throw down your Olympic bar including bumper plates, your neighbors below you will definitely feel the vibration.
Another important thing to consider is the ceiling height of the planned fitness room. Imagine you are holding a barbell and weights with your arms stretched out above your body. Do you still have room to move upwards or are you already having space problems? You need enough space to be able to move around as freely as possible, and this also reduces the risk of injury.
Do you want your home gym to complement your gym or just train at home? This question will ultimately determine what you can't do without in your home gym. If you train almost exclusively with various weight machines and don't want to deviate from that, a home gym is a good addition to your gym. But many exercises can also be done perfectly at home and without heavy equipment.
Once you have created the basis, you can get started. Do you already have a rough idea of what you want? To start with, a few selected pieces of equipment and dumbbells are enough. Little by little, you can of course expand your home gym as you wish. Training at home doesn't mean having to make compromises.
But now for a few must-haves that you should start with (apart from the professional sports floor, which we have already mentioned):
- Dumbbells: Probably the most flexible training equipment there is. You can use them to specifically build up your biceps and triceps, incorporate them into any bodyweight workout and even sky boxing is possible with them. From our own experience, we can promise that these dumbbells really are THE must-have.
- A barbell: One is enough to start with. Gradually, you can expand your bar range as you wish
- Bumper Plates: If you have an Olympic bar, you need bumper plates. For deadlifts, your next pull-down training or even bench presses. Only in combination will it help you! On the one hand because you can put more weight on your barbell and on the other hand because you can also train with these plates on their own.
- Pull-up bar: Who wants to do without the ultimate all-rounder when setting up their own home gym?
- Fitness mat: So many exercises require extra protection or a comfortable surface to lie on, so a fitness mat is indispensable.
On top
If you already have this accessory in your shopping cart, there are of course a few extras. Devices that enrich your training even more and can also serve as an aid. But you can only buy all of this gradually.
- Kettlebells: If you're thinking about getting more equipment for your training, then think about kettle bells. You'll train completely differently than before, because the movements with kettlebells are special and happen with momentum. But maybe that's exactly why they're the perfect addition.
- SZ bar: This bar with its unusual SZ shape protects your wrists when lifting. This reduces the risk of injury and also makes some exercises easier to perform.
- Squat Rack: If you already have one or two barbells with the corresponding weight plates, now is the time for a squat rack. For two reasons: firstly, to be able to store the bar and weights neatly and secondly, to place a weight bench underneath and be able to start bench pressing. Unfortunately currently sold out.
- Abdominal roller: Have you ever heard of one? If you really want to challenge your abdominal muscles, you can't do without an abdominal roller. Crunches and mountain climbers are great, but this roller will get everything out of you. Is your stomach properly trained? Perfect, but after a workout with this you will still feel your abdominal muscles the next day. ;)
- Weight bench: You will need this to be able to lift weights using bench presses.
Cost breakdown of basic equipment
NEOLYMP professional sports floor 4x | 159,80 € |
NEOLYMP dumbbell set | 99,95 € |
NEOLYMP Olympic bar | 223,95 € |
NEOLYMP Bumper Plates 10 kg | 79,95 € |
NEOLYMP pull-up bar for the wall | 69,95 € |
NEOLYMP fitness mat | 34,95 € |
Total: | 668,55 € |
Cost breakdown expansion
NEOLYMP Kettlebells 6 kg: | 39,95 € |
NEOLYMP SZ bar | 99,95 € |
NEOLYMP Squat Rack | ~ 149,95 € |
NEOLYMP abdominal roller | 19,95 |
Weight bench | ~ 250,- € |
Total (without weight bench) | 309,80 € |
Our equipment is priced quite low compared to other providers, even if it may not seem that way at first glance.
Of course, you set up your home gym the way you see fit. Whether you prefer to get a squat rack and maybe do without dumbbells for the time being is entirely up to you. Only you know what and how you like to train. What weights you get, how many mats from the professional sports floor you need and what selection of weights you order are also up to you. The list above is just a rough guideline.
Do you have enough space, is the ceiling high enough, do you have neighbors who can forgive a little? All right, then choose your favorites and bring them home straight away.
- Tags: Fitnessgeräte Hanteln Sportmatten